Parliament Security Breach: Two men jumped, took something out of their shoes and smoke started spreading; Two created ruckus outside the Parliament

Parliament Security Breach: A case of major lapse in the security of Lok Sabha has come to light. According to the report, during Wednesday’s proceedings, two persons suddenly jumped from the audience gallery at around 1 o’clock. MPs and marshals together caught both the persons who had entered the audience gallery.

On the anniversary of the attack on Parliament, a major security lapse has come to light there. During the proceedings of the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, two persons jumped down from the audience gallery. The MPs surrounded both the men. The marshals engaged in the security of the Lok Sabha also immediately came running and caught both of them. Till late evening, the police have taken a total of five accused into custody, while the search for the sixth is going on.

Shortly before this, two people were seen protesting outside the Parliament. One of them was also a woman. He had color gas in his hand. Both of them sprayed it outside. Both of them were taken into custody by the security personnel. Now it is also coming to light that all four knew each other. Now let us know the entire incident in detail…

This incident happened at 1:01 pm on Wednesday afternoon. Presiding Officer Rajendra Aggarwal was conducting the Zero Hour proceedings in the Lok Sabha. Khagen Murmu, BJP MP from Malda North, was presenting his views. Then two persons jumped down from the audience gallery.

A person wearing a blue jacket started jumping on the MPs’ seats. He crossed about three rows and started walking towards the seat. Amidst the atmosphere of chaos, some MPs showed courage and surrounded him. Marshal also came running. Then the young man took out some substance from inside the shoe. After this, yellow smoke started rising there. Later, MPs and marshals together caught both of them. After this the presiding officer adjourned the proceedings.

Parliament Security Breach: The man had come as a guest of the MP

It is being told that one of the two people who jumped into the audience gallery had reached Parliament as a guest of the Mysore MP. His name is said to be Sagar. Expelled BSP MP Danish Ali also told that the name of one youth caught is Sagar. Let us tell you that Pratap Simha is BJP MP from Mysore.

Parliament Security Breach: The accused were raising slogans

BSP MP Maluk Nagar told that suddenly a young man jumped from the audience gallery next to his seat. Immediately after this, another young man also jumped there. When the MPs surrounded a young man, he took out something from his shoe, due to which smoke started rising. Both the youths were raising the slogan ‘dictatorship will not work’.

Parliament Security Breach

Presiding Officer Rajendra Aggarwal later told the media that when a person jumped from the gallery, it seemed that he might have fallen down. Then another person was seen jumping from the audience gallery. One of them had something in his hand which was emitting yellow smoke, while the other had something in his hand which was making a rattling sound. They could not do any damage and were immediately brought under control. However, his jumping from the audience gallery is a serious matter. This is a big lapse in the security of Parliament. There will be investigation and action will be taken.

Parliament Security Breach: Today is the anniversary of attack on Parliament

Today is also the anniversary of the terrorist attack on Parliament. On 13 December 2001, terrorists attacked the old Parliament House. After the incident, many MPs in the Parliament termed the incident as a major security lapse and appealed to the government to take serious action. Apart from Shiv Sena and BSP MPs, many other MPs have also strongly condemned this incident in Parliament.

Parliament Security Breach: Demonstration outside the Parliament also

Outside the Transport Bhawan, near the gate of the Parliament House, two people were protesting by bursting fireworks. The proceedings of the Lok Sabha, which were adjourned due to the uproar in the House, resumed at around 2:03 pm. Speaker Om Birla assured the MPs of being serious about security and said that security agencies and police are conducting a thorough investigation.

Mr. Birla said that this matter is serious, but at present there is no need to worry about the safety of MPs. He said, we all were concerned about what that smoke was, as per preliminary investigation it was ordinary smoke. There is no need to worry, his preliminary investigation has been done. At present, no one is blaming anyone for this incident.

Parliament Security Breach: Facts will come out in the investigation

He said that the suggestions of the MPs will also be implemented. The Speaker said that if necessary, the terms and conditions of making passes for the auditorium will also be reviewed with the approval of the MPs. He said that whatever facts will emerge in the investigation, it will be shared with everyone. He assured that both the persons who suddenly jumped to disrupt the proceedings of the House have been taken into custody. Police are investigating, House proceedings will continue smoothly.

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